Fast Random Strings Generation in Haskell

Posted in: fp, haskell.

Yesterday morning there was an interesting question on Haskell Cafe:

Hello anyone, I’ve written a snippet which generates a file full of random strings. When compiled with -O2 on ghc-7.6, the generation speed is about 2Mb per second which is on par with interpreted php. That’s the fact I find rather disappointing. Maybe I’ve missed something trivial? Any suggestions and explanations are welcome.

It seemed an interesting exercise and we can’t put up being on par with PHP, so I decided to dig in. The code was the following:

import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Random
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad

import System.IO
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI

genString g = let (len, g') = randomR (50, 450) g
               in T.unfoldrN len rand_text (len, g')
 where rand_text (0,_) = Nothing
       rand_text (k,g) = let (c, g') = randomR ('a','z') g
                         in Just (c, ((k-1), g'))

writeCorpus file = bracket (openFile file WriteMode) hClose $ \h -> do
  let size = 100000
  sequence $ replicate size $ do
    g <- newStdGen
    let text = genString g
    TI.hPutStrLn h text

main = do
  putStrLn "generating text corpus"
  writeCorpus "test.txt"

The first thing I thought was to switch to ByteString: since we don’t need to deal with UTF-8 encoding (the strings to generate were plain ASCII strings in the range a-z) we can avoid paying the overhead Data.Text introduces. After that, the code was a slightly faster, but nothing thrilling (about 7 seconds on my machine).

The crucial hint was gave from Gregory Collins, who suggested that System.Random was very slow. He proposed, as better alternative, the mwc-random package, and the fact Bos was the author was a guarantee. After a bit of struggling I ended up with the following code:

import System.Random.MWC
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import System.IO
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as CB

{- | Converts a Char to a Word8. Took from MissingH -}
c2w8 :: Char -> Word8
c2w8 = fromIntegral . fromEnum

charRangeStart :: Word8
charRangeStart = c2w8 'a'

charRangeEnd :: Word8
charRangeEnd = c2w8 'z'

genString :: Gen (PrimState IO) -> IO B.ByteString
genString g = do
    randomLen <- uniformR (50 :: Int, 450 :: Int) g
    str <- replicateM randomLen $ uniformR (charRangeStart, charRangeEnd) g
    return $ B.pack str

writeCorpus :: FilePath -> IO ()
writeCorpus file = withFile file WriteMode $ \h -> do
  let size = 100000
  withSystemRandom $ \gen ->
      replicateM_ size $ do
        text <- genString gen :: IO B.ByteString
        CB.hPutStrLn h text

main :: IO ()
main =  writeCorpus "test.txt"

The are a couple of interesting points:

Not only is our code cleaner, but is also a great deal faster! On my machine generating 10000 words takes more or less half a second!

Well, a lot faster than PHP, as expected.

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