Scalaz for the Haskell programmer - Part 1

Posted in: fp, scala, haskell.

scalaz is an awesome library that extends the Scala Core, providing FP goodies that every Haskell programmer loves and needs. Yes, I’m obviously talking about Functors, Monads and other strange beasts from the Category Theory panorama. There is a lot of learning material for scalaz, but I’ve basically discovered that is not easy to organize your thoughts if you are an Haskell programmer, so I’m basically just writing this primarily as a mental note, but I hope it will be useful for others too. The tutorial will be focused on scalaz 7, so be wary if you are not planning to switching any time soon. Before we start, I’ve found this little gem that compares, side by side, a lot of features from different programming languages:

Hyperpolyglot cheatsheet

Setting up an sbt project

If you are lazy and want to start right away, I suggest you use my giter8 template to have a plain project with scalaz and sbt-revolver. The template also imports for you scalaz in the sbt console, so you can start playing right away.

Monads and Control.Monad functions

Most tutorials starts with Typeclasses, data structures declaration or other important aspects. Here, I want to start from Haskell’s main draw, Monads. This should be familiar:

some(3) >>= (x => some(x+1)) //yields some(4)

Unsurprisingly, it returns some(4). It this code is not straightforward to you, you won’t find the monad part covedered. This is only a sort of “quick mental mapping” for the Haskell programmer that wants to program in a more functional oriented way in Scala. This code should be familiar too:

some(3) >> some(4) //yields some(4)

Remember how (>>) is defined in Haskell:

(>>) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b
replicateM :: (Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m [a]

Has its equivalent in:

some(2) replicateM 3 // yields some(List(2,2,2))

As you can notice the syntax is not as terse an in Haskell, due to the nature of the two languages; in Scala, everything is an object, and Haskell behaviors are simulated using traits. This obviously force the programmer to write code that resemble method invocations. When allowed, I always prefer the “dot-free” syntax (like the example above), because give the code a more functional look.

filterM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
List(1,2,3) filterM { x => some(x % 2 == 0)} //yields some(List(2))

It would have been nice to have the Haskell’s equivalent of return, but I wasn’t able to find nothing like that in scalaz. If you are aware of something different, please let me know, I will be happy to update this post.


Another important tool in the functional programmer belt are functors. They are supported in scalaz too (it’s obvious, because Monads are Functors, so it scalaz supports Monads, why not Functors?). scalaz’s developers have decided to polish a bit the syntax, so you have to call map instead of fmap. You may or may not like this choice:

fmap :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
some(2) map (x => x * x) //yields some(4)


In layman’s terms, we can call an Applicative a Functor on steroid. In Haskell, it’s very common to use them to aggregate results of a non-deterministic computation. Take a look to this piece of Haskell code, that can be quite mind-blowing for the apprentice functional programmer:

(+) <$> [1,2,3] <*> [4,5,6]

This yields all the possible combination of summing the values from the to lists together. In this case we obtain the list [5,6,7,6,7,8,7,8,9]. In Scala, we can obtain the same result with this syntax:

(List(1,2,3) |@| List(4,5,6)) { _ + _ }

Where |@| yields an ApplicativeBuilder (I’m not enough proficient with scalaz to speculate about this design choice).


In Haskell, the two most important function every Monoid has are mempty and mappend. In scalaz you have mzero and |+| instead:

mempty :: (Monoid a) => a
mappend :: (Monoid a) => a -> a -> a
mempty :: [Int] --returns an empty list
[1,2] `mappend` [3,4] -- [1,2,3,4]

This is roughly the equivalent in Scala:

List(1,2) |+| List(3,4)

Well, I have to say that amoung all the scalaz stuff, the Monoid part is what I like less. Why? Because it doesn’t stick with the original Haskell and matchematical definition. Wolfram MathWorld sais that:

A monoid is a set that is closed under an associative binary operation and has an identity element[…]

In layman’s terms, every Monoid is defined respect to an operation. This explain why an Int can’t be a Monoid per se: which operation should we consider? + or *? You can prove this trying to ask Haskell for the “zero value” of an Int:

mempty :: Int

No instance for (Monoid Int) ...

And the same applies for mappend: how can Haskell know how to append two Int?

3 `mappend` 4

To solve this, we wrap our Int(s) in types that are instances of Monoid, for example Sum and Product:

mempty :: Sum Int
Sum {getSum = 0}

mempty :: Product Int
Product {getProduct = 1}

Now, with this formalism, we can mappend our Monoid, because now we have an operation that characterize the Monoid:

Sum 4 `mappend` Sum 5
Sum {getSum = 9}

Product 4 `mappend` Product 4
Product {getProduct = 16}

Conversely, Scala is not so strict, and allows us to do this:

9 |+| 15

Which I don’t like very much. (To the expert reader? What am I missing? Maybe is |+| an alias for a Monoid closed on +?)

Pipelines and function composition

This actually isn’t an Haskell features, but for example F# has the nice pipeline operator (|>) to give the code a dataflow structure. You can use the pipeline operator to implement function composition as well:

floor . sqrt $ 10 --equivalent to floor(sqrt(10))
10.0 |> sqrt |> floor //yields 3.0

As you can see, the computation “flows” into two different ways: in the former example from right to left, in the latter from left to right, but the result is the same. A nice that we got for free here is a bit more of type safety: whilst Haskell accept the above code, Scala refuses to compile due to a type mismatch, if we pass 10 to the pipeline operator. Nice.


This first part was dense, but also useful to get myself acquainted with scalaz. There is still a lot to cover (for example Comonad, Arrow and more), so there is room for a part 2. I think scalaz has a lot of potentials, and I’ll be happy to use in a project if I have the chance. I believe it helps to get rid of the “OO-flavor” Scala inherited from its Java vestiges. Before the farewell, take a look at this two blog post, that I’ve read to gather part of the material from Applicative and Monoid:

Happy hacking!

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